Friday, 21 July 2023

We're Better Together

Sharing and Cooperation
Photo credits Hurca!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead (cultural anthroplogist, 1901 -1978)

When we're on a long journey it can be helpful to have companions to encourage us on the way.
A group can sometimes achieve more than an individual acting on their own, too. Together we can share knowledge and resources. 

A group of local residents concerned about the climate and related issues will be in a stronger position to discuss ways to reduce GHG emissions locally, restore nature and to build local resilience with local councillors than individuals acting on their own. Sometimes councillors listen. Sometimes being more sustainable and environmentally friendly saves money, for instance installing solar panels of council buildings. Sometimes councillors understand the urgency of cutting greenhouse gases and the dangers of global warming increasing.

The Climate Majority Project UK

A group of well known people have recently started the Climate Majority Project UK. Among them are Prof. Kevin Anderson, Mike Berners-Lee, Lord Deben, Prof. Mark Maslin, Chris Packham, Jonathan Porritt, Kate Raworth, Rupert Read, Michael Rosen, Swampy and Dale Vince.

On their website is a list of "Climate Hubs", which are "essential gathering spaces where people can come together, build relationships and collaborate on local climate action initiatives. They’re a meeting place for existing climate networks and new initiatives to learn from each other and co-ordinate their efforts. They’re also much needed places of mutual support in the face of the climate emergency."

I'm pleased to see groups in Godalming and Guildford, where I used to live, on the list, but I'd love to see groups in Hampshire, and particularly in the Hamble Valley where I live now, join the list. 

Check this list to see if there's a hub near you.

If you are part of any kind of Climate Hub do you have any tips for getting one started?

Transition Towns

You might have heard of Transition Towns. Southampton has a Transition Town group. The idea started in Totnes and was co-founded by Rob Hopkins in 2005. I heard him speak around that time and I found his ideas inspiring. Back then he was encouraging communities to build a resilience for a time when there was a scarcity of fossil fuels. Now we know that's unlikely to happen before fossil fuels make our planet too hot for us to live on, if we carry on as we are. Many of the ideas are still relevant, although for different reasons. Growing as much food as possible locally will reduce food miles and the associated GHG emissions, for instance. Amongst other ideas, Rob Hopkins suggested growing fruit and nut trees on public land.

Today there is a whole Transition Town Network spanning the globe. It calls itself "A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world".

Independent Climate and Sustainablilty Groups

If you ask your local councillors or search on social media you might find that there are independent groups of local residents working on these issues already.

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